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Eyebrows Transplant

Eyebrows shield your lashes from dirt and dust. They’re also a necessary way of communicating. They reflect emotions and communicate your thoughts and feelings to others. Your brows are the first thing that people notice when they look at your face for the first time. They draw attention to your eyes and finish off the features of your face. Beautifully shaped eyebrow arches provide the sense of a kind, open face.

For a variety of causes, the growth of your eyebrows can be stifled. The hair roots of the eyebrows can be permanently damaged by overplucking. Unpleasant holes in the arch of the brows may emerge, as well as bald patches. Permanent make-up can leave unattractive scars if used repeatedly. Where the skin is made up of scar tissue, hair does not regrow.

Injuries can reduce the density of hair growth. Alternatively, your poor eyebrow growth could be due to a genetic issue. Eyebrow loss can also be caused by skin diseases or chemotherapy. If your eyebrows aren’t developing fast enough and it’s affecting your self-confidence, you should consider getting an eyebrow transplant.

The transplantation process is done by FUE method. The doctor will extract the suitable roots (hair follicles) from the donor area of the patient and implant them into the bald areas of the eyebrows.

How To Do Eyebrow Transplant?

Just like hair transplantation, the roots are taken one by one from the donor area at the back of the head and transplanted to the desired region. The procedure takes around three hours.

An average of 500 grafts may be required to obtain natural-looking eyebrows. The needed number of grafts for the eyebrow depends on the size and thickness of the patient’s eyebrow so it may vary from person to person. It is necessary to ensure that the hairs lie properly in the natural growth direction and angle, they also must be placed very tightly.

After Eyebrow Transplantation

After the eyebrow transplantation, the region should be checked periodically. Very rarely, some patients may have swelling in the eyebrow area. Some hairs begin to fall out after eyebrow transplantation, which is completely normal, and with new hairs, the eyebrow will eventually become natural.