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FUE Method Hair Transplantation

FUE Method Hair Transplantation

In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area and transplanted into the balding areas. Before the follicle extraction process, the hair in the donor area is trimmed to a length of about 1 mm. Local anesthetic is used to numb the area from which the hair follicles will be taken, as well as the area where the transplantation will be performed. The Micro Motor tool is positioned close to the hair follicle, aligned with the angle of hair emergence, and inserted into the skin. The hair, follicle, and the microscopic tissue surrounding it are then cut in a cylindrical fashion. The hair follicle is gently extracted using micro forceps, separating it from the loose base. This automated system minimizes the damage to grafts during the operation, reducing operation times and increasing the number of grafts extracted per unit of time. After collecting the follicular units in this manner, they are implanted into much smaller incisions made in the bald area. Each follicular unit typically contains 2 to 3 follicles.

The features of the FUE method include:

– The extraction is performed exclusively on the specific hair root cell without removing tissue from the donor area.

– There is no cutting or stitching in the area where hair is taken. Tiny abrasions with a diameter smaller than 0.6-0.7 mm occur in the donor area. These abrasions heal and close within a few days without leaving visible scars.

– The grafts obtained from the back of the head using this technique can also be used in beard transplantation.

– In a single session, depending on the condition of the donor area and the number of hair follicles to be transplanted, around 4,000 to 6,000 grafts can be extracted.

– Each graft contains 1 to 3 hair strands. 1 graft is considered equivalent to approximately 2 – 2.5 hair strands.

– Depending on the obtained number of follicles and the level of baldness, it is possible to implant 45 to 50 hair follicles per square centimeter.

– Additionally, the minimal pain in the days following the operation and the short recovery period are reasons for choosing this method.

– The transplanted hair usually sheds by the end of the first month, and new growth starts around 2 to 3 months after the hair transplant.

– By the 6th month, the hair grows substantially. However, the full and natural result is achieved within 1 to 1.5 years, after the transplanted hair fully adapts. The transplanted hair does not shed since it is taken from the genetically resistant area. The color and characteristics of the transplanted hair match the individual’s original hair.

– In hair transplantation, not only the existing hair quantity and extraction technique matter, but also the direction of transplanted hair and the naturalness of the frontal hairline are equally important as the amount of transplanted hair.

– Lifelong growing hair not only changes one’s appearance but also has a profoundly positive impact on their psychology.

– Hair transplantation is a specialized scientific art that requires skill, aesthetics, and experience.

– People who achieve healthy, natural hair growth also experience increased self-confidence.

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